Sports I have played growing up

When I was little, I started learning how to swim since I was 7. I started as just having fun and practicing occasionally. I enjoyed swimming a lot. I also played squash and tennis when I was little. This little webpage will be about some of my favorite and mostly played sports. I learned, swimming, squash, golf, tennis, gymnastics, ballet. I really played many sports at the same time but also had a really fun time learning variety of sports while growing up.


About 5 years ago, I started learning how to swim. I noticed that my mom had clearly admitted that she wanted to make me be a competitive swimmer. I always enjoyed to swim. Unitl now, I would swim non-stop and now, all of my strokes are my favorite.


About 2 years ago, as an additional sport my dad recommended to make me learn how to play squash. My dad was a competive squash player and still is. He loved the techniques, game rules of squash and wanted me to learn it too.


2 years ago, I went on a vacation to Saipan with my whle mom's side. We went for about 2 weeks and usually my aunt and her kids would play golf everyday. They are competitive golf players and are really professional. My aunt has 3 kids. Therefore, even if we went on a vacation we would be required to go to a hotel that has a golf park. So, because I went, I was forced to learn golf. I have gotten use to it the third day and was pretty accurate. However, right as we left Saipan, I forgot everything. But, at least I knew how to play for 1 week and a half, that would be a sport I played for a short time.


3 year ago, I played tennis as my additional sport before thinking about squash. I played it pretty often and now I quit because that time my teacher was pretty old so he was sick. Therefore, class didn't continue. Yet, when I was playing tennis I would play with my brother. It was very hot in the summer and I really enjoyed playing tennis in an a actual tennis court. I loved tennis but because some things didn't work persistently, we ended up quitting sadly.


4 years ago, I learned gymnastics with my friend Katie. I remember we would go there every saturday and stretch and practice. Learning it was fun and I sometimes felt painful practicing splits everytime. Although, after learning I would be named as flexible. Just not anymore. Even though I felt the pain, it was worth learning even though I forgot everything now.